​Holly Zeilenga
Piano Teacher
Your lesson slot will be reserved for you on a semester basis. Please expect contact from me every July, November and April to reserve your time slot for the upcoming semester. If you would like to end lessons for your reserved spot, a 30-day notice is required before discontinuing that reserved lesson time. The student will be responsible for lesson payment during this 30-day period.
All lesson rates are based on the standard Madison, WI rate. All monthly tuition will be due before or at the first lesson of each month. A billing invoice will be sent to you before the first lesson of every month. Please be advised that the cost of books is not included with tuition. Should something come up where you cannot financially fulfill your commitment to music lessons, I appreciate and encourage advance notice and open, ongoing communication.
A 3 hour advance notice is requested for all missed lessons. Since you are reserving a spot in the teacher’s schedule, it is expected that you will make your lesson a priority and will schedule any other activities around that time. Two make-up lessons will be offered per semester. One for the student and one for the teacher. If the teacher misses more than one lesson, all other lessons missed will be credited towards the next month’s invoice. No credits will be given when the student cancels a lesson.
Make-up lessons will be available on pre-scheduled make-up days. These lessons must be scheduled at least 48 hours in advance. If a student knows that they are going to miss a lesson in the future and would like to use their make-up before the missed lesson, that is fine.
Make-up lessons will only be given when the students provides at least 3 hours notice and if that student commits to the full semester of lessons. For instance, if a student pulls out of lessons half way through the semester and already used a make-up lesson, they will be charged for that lesson on their last invoice. If a student cancels a scheduled make-up lesson, another make-up lesson cannot be scheduled.
If a holiday occurs on your normally scheduled lesson, there will be no charge for that week.
This makeup lesson policy will be strictly enforced.